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Receive Teachings Wherever You Are

Unfortunately, it is not always possible for everyone to travel to other places for retreats and teachings. We still want to make it possible for everyone to study and practice the Dharma, even from home. That's why we offer regular online courses. Courses usually include videos of teachings from Do Tulku Rinpoche, previously announced live sessions for direct exchange and discussion, as well as the option to ask questions via email or in a chat room. Unfortunately, we do not have the capacity to translate the courses into German and to provide subtitles (but we are very happy about volunteers, please contact us!). The language of instruction is therefore English. The course fees are on a donation basis.


The course fees are based on donations which will be collected prior to the beginning of the course. Spanish participants please contact the Casa Virupa and German as well as international participants the Arya Tara Dharma Center for registration.
The teachings will be conducted in English. Please contact us if you would like to participate but need a translation.



The course fees are based on donations which will be collected prior to the beginning of the course. Spanish participants please contact the Casa Virupa and German as well as international participants the Arya Tara Dharma Center for registration.
The teachings will be conducted in English. Please contact us if you would like to participate but need a translation.



Our main online course is The Bodhisattva Project (for details and registration scroll down).  Soon we will also start with a new course: The Sutra Project (details will be announced soon). The courses on Shamatha and Vipassana are already concluded but the videos are still accessible if you are interested. We sometimes spontaneously add other programs.  You can subscribe to the newsletter so you do not miss a thing.

Do you have special topics that interest you? Write to us! Maybe the next course will be about that.

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The Bodhisattva Project 

online course &


donation basis

This is the second year of a multi-year study and retreat program to train (aspiring) bodhisattvas. Although we already started in 2019, you can still join as a listener since it is never too late to study the Dharma.

In Mahayana Buddhism, the deep desire to attain enlightenment for the benefit of all beings is the foundation of all practice. This is especially true for all Vajrayana practitioners. Anyone who cultivates this mental attitude, also called bodhicitta, and courageously advances on the path to enlightenment, is a bodhisattva. Unfortunately, the special meditation and visualization techniques for generating bodhicitta are often neglected, though they are the backbone of any practice. Only with bodhicitta can we walk the path of a Bodhisattva and free both others and ourselves from all suffering. For this purpose, we started this project with an intensive study of the great masterpiece "Bodhisattvacaryavatara" ("The Way of the Bodhisattva") under Do Tulku Rinpoche's guidance. It is Rinpoche's wish not only to support practitioners on their journey but also to train teachers who in turn can inspire and train future bodhisattvas.

This course includes two to three video teachings per month and is accessible through our private Facebook group or our blog. With a prior announcement, there will also be live sessions for discussions and online events as well as ts on-person retreats. The course language is English. 

Watch Do Tulku Rinpoche's introduction to the Bodhisattva Project in the video at the bottom of this page or here.


Meditation Course 1: Calm Abiding

7-day course

donation basis


Do you want to learn how to meditate? Or do you need some structure and inspiration for (re-) starting your meditation practice? In this 7-day meditation course, we will study the basics of one of the most important Buddhist meditation practices, "calm abiding" (in Tibetan Shine, or Sanskrit Shamatha). Meditation is not only a technique to calm our mind, but it is also a way of living. Together with Do Tulku Rinpoche we will try to have a glimpse of the teaching and experience coming from an unbroken lineage of Indian and Tibetan masters. 

The course includes a one-hour introduction to the basics of meditation (day 1), five consecutive guided meditation sessions between 15 and 30 minutes (day 2 – 6) and a final session (day 7) where questions can be clarified. Also, the forum can be used during this time especially for questions and discussions around the topic meditation. The course language is English. Attention: this course was already conducted in 2019 but the videos are still available. So you can still do the course anytime.

Meditation Course 2: Vipassana

3-day course

donation basis


This course was conducted and recorded in April 2020 in a small circle in our Dharma center and will be accessible online for a while. Do Tulku Rinpoche presents and guides us through Vipassana (insight meditation) according to different vehicles. He focuses on the contemplation of the nature of phenomena and our own nature. The prerequisite to this course is a basic knowledge (and ideally some experience) in Shamatha (calm abiding) meditation. We recommend having a look at the above Meditation Course 1: Calm Abiding prior to the Vipassana course. 

The course language is English. 


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