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1. Homework (until 31.03.2019)

Dear Trainees,

this week you have three kinds of homework: 1. If you haven’t been at the retreat or attended the live webcast, please watch as much as possible of the teachings of the retreat until this Sunday (31.03.2019). A little hint: the seven limbs are mainly discussed in session 4 and 5. 😉 2. During the retreat we discussed and practiced together the seven-limb practice/prayer. What do you remember of that? Try to revise and memorize the 7 limbs and explain them to another being. That can be a human (make sure that he/she is interested!) or an animal. It can be a horse, dog, cat, bird, an insect etc. It is very important that you do this with the full conviction that this being will certainly benefit by hearing the dharma from you. For now, it is enough to roughly remember and retell the 7 limbs as Rinpoche taught them. You don’t need to start a research project. 😉 Please finish this homework until Sunday (31.03.2019) and leave us a comment below about whom you taught. In this way we all can also practice rejoicing in each other’s dharma activities. 🙏 3. Do the Samantabhadra prayer (check out „materials") at least three times. This is something Rinpoche recommends you to do anyway as much as possible whenever you get time. You can read it aloud to another being and/or visualize countless beings around you while praying.

Enjoy! 😊

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May 26, 2019

Hello Ishani, so good to hear that! We rejoice in your effort!! See you soon......


Ishani Aggarwal
May 26, 2019

Good morning Rinpoche.. I am catching up with the teachings since I was unable to attend the retreat. I transferred the 7-limb prayer to a small lizard who has been hanging out in my room. Thank you.


Apr 09, 2019

Hello Vivienne, Tashi delek. I will try to answer your questions to my best understanding. It is indeed true that many people go through profound suffering in this time and age and the question is what can you do as a Bodhisattva. One can pray, meditate if one is not capable of helping directly. But if the Bodhisattva can, he/she should help directly as much as possible. There is almost nothing a Bodhisattva doesn’t do in order to benefit sentient beings!


Vivienne Hagner
Vivienne Hagner
Apr 08, 2019

Dear greate Do Tulku Rinpoche, after Madala offerings to told about right motivasion and the effort of our mind,then all problems outside look inside. A Boddhisattva is someone to expierence all the difficulties in his time. Does he/she feels all the pain like a human is and then ? Does he use it as wishfull prayers for all who are in the same situasion? Mind can create carme was next main part. a Boddhisattva with his family is going to loos his home in 1,5year -what ´ll such a person in the modern world do?It´s a difficult in this time , in my city and so much more cities in Europe. I can say it´s an comon carma and w…


Nicole Sikula
Nicole Sikula
Apr 08, 2019

I practiced teaching the Seven Limb Prayer on a fruit fly that hung out at my desk for a couple hours. Later, I called my mother and taught it to her. She took notes and had understood six of the seven limbs but the dedication part was initially confusing to her. She is unfamiliar with Buddhism and this aspect of accumulating and dedicating merit was a foreign concept. She loved the prayer and said, "Boy, if everyone lived their life in this way, what a wonderful world it would be."

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