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1 comentário

Vivienne Hagner
Vivienne Hagner
21 de mai. de 2019

Dear greate master Do Tuku Rinpoche,

I take refuse in Buddhas,Darma and Sangha-it´s like Samtrabadra told .Every moment, every problem all kind of emosion,ilusion we share with others in Samsara. The Darma open our min,heard to the this suffering and like samantrabadra told every singel moment we can use in activ Bodhichitta. In bades darkest moment we can give others all kind of goodness.

If we talk or only look or think on this person.This is such a greate posibilety. An endlys way do practise or to stay or lisend somone who need it.

We are open mindet,open heard and we can see Samsara clear rearl how it is and we can forgitve every singel moment in this time Our…

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