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Prayer Materials

During the first Bodhisattva Retreat we used a few prayers like at the beginning the refuge prayer and the four immeasurables, and at the end the dedication. These translations were mainly taken from the very useful website "Lotsawa House". However, since we took them out of other practice texts we just add them here as pictures. That website also hosts another quite convenient translation of the Samantabhadra prayer which we recited together (also available in Spanish and French). You can find it here. If you like to have it in the traditional Tibetan book format, you can find a beautiful version in the Prayer Book for Dzongsar Monlam (on page 26, it's only a different format, the translation is the same like in the Lotsawa House). Of course you are free to use other translations as well.

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6 comentários

Arya Tara's Net
Arya Tara's Net
31 de mar. de 2019

Dear Josef, of course you can also use the translation of the FPMT if you prefer that, it is freely available, for example here:


31 de mar. de 2019

It is really very inspiring to read the Prayer!

Thank you very much for making this possible !!


Josef Hejda
Josef Hejda
31 de mar. de 2019

Dear Rebecca,is the translation King of prayers,the extraordinary aspiration of the practice of Samantabhadra from the FPMT prayer book also available?


Arya Tara's Net
Arya Tara's Net
30 de mar. de 2019

Dear Vivienne, please make sure that this is not the Dzogchen prayer of Kuntuzangpo. The names are similar so it's easy to get mixed up. We are doing the "King of Aspiration" prayer of the Bodhisattva Samantabhadra.


29 de mar. de 2019

Thank you Rebecca :-)

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